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Entrance exam for the teacher of English Language and Culture MA programme


Thank you for your interest in our teacher of English Language and Culture MA programme!


You can find further information about the programmes and submitting applications here: 

Miskolci Egyetem Bölcsészet- és Társadalomtudományi Kar - Felvételi Információk (  

and here: Study programs - Department of English Linguistics and Literature (


Applicants will need to participate in an oral entrance exam, which usually takes place in the first week of July. The exact dates will be advertised here but applicants will also receive notification from the Dean's Office.

At the entrance exam, applicants will be asked to discuss their motivation, pedagogical experience and the texts below:

Barber, M. & Mourshed, M. (2011). Mi áll a világ legsikeresebb iskolai rendszerei teljesítményének hátterében?  Online. 09575.pdf (

Medgyes P. (2015).Töprengések a nyelvoktatásról. Budapest: ELTE. MedgyesPeter_READER1.pdf (


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at