Practice materials are available for this exam through a closed Google Classroom. For registration information contact Magnuczné dr. Godó Ágnes (
The oral part of the exam is based on a reading passage to be chosen by the students after the written exam from a task bank prepared for this purpose. The text will present a controversial social or educational issue.
- to read, interpret and evaluate the ideas in the text,
- make a 10-minute presentation about it accompanied by a ppt or prezi for the exam,
- present the main ideas and your interpretation of them,
- take a position on the idea presented in the text and argue for your viewpoint,
- find additional sources to support your viewpoint (even if you agree with the writer),
- conduct a spontaneous discussion about the text with the examiners.
You have to indicate your choice in the closed Google Classroom, where the texts will be made available for you. You will be assigned the articles on a first come – first served basis so indicate your main topic and also a secondary option in case your first choice has already been taken. The chosen text will be sent to everyone individually.
Quality and comprehensiveness of the source summary
Identifying the writer’s viewpoint and main arguments
Taking a position on the issue
Quality of argumentation incl. reasoning and evidence from other sources
3-part structure
Highlighting main topic and own claim
Recognisable smaller topic units within the main parts
Supportive signposting
Understanding and answering questions
Expressing agreement and disagreement
Expressing opinions and offering further justification for issues raised by the examiners
Fluency and accuracy of speech
Quality of visuals
Functionality and embeddedness of visuals