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English Language Competition 2022


This year the competition set out to give a forum for teams from local schools to outline their innovative ideas for improving their communities. Nine teams of three students took part in theis English language competition held on the 14th December. The teams were asked to work out a content plan beforehand but had decide whether to make a radio report, a PPT presentation or a poster with their ideas on the day. The jury were truly amazed not only by the creative ideas the competitors outlined, but also by their excellent English and presentations skills.

The competitors received points which they can validate when applying to the University of Miskolc and prizes offered by Oxford University Press.

Vissza a főoldalra

The first place was awarded to the Neighbourhood service app project developed by Erdős Balázs, Matyisák Balázs and Vinnai Loretta (SzSzC Tokaji Ferenc Vocational and Secondary Grammar School).



The Szinva project proposed by Bencsik Dorottya, Kövér Gergő and Vass Bence (Herman Ottó Secondary Grammar School) took second place.


The third place went to the project entitled Fun fact circles in Tokaj, developed by Kabai Kiara, Pap Jonka and Rónavölgyi Kitti (SzSzC Tokaji Ferenc Vocational and Secondary Grammar School).


Congratulations to all participating teams for their fantastic presentations!

We would like to thank the English teachers for helping their teams: Négyesiné Fenyvesi Magdolna and Májer Jánosné Arday Otilia
(SzSzC Tokaji Ferenc Vocational and Secondary Grammar School, Tokaj), Veres Attila (SzSzC Brassai Sámuel Vocational and Secondary Technical School, Tiszaújváros) and Makán Ferenc (Herman Ottó Secondary Grammar School, Miskolc). Special thanks to Májer Jánosné Arday Otilia for sharing her photos!


A work in progess



Adding the final touches


A poster in the making


Our green neighbourhood


A day without cars


Playgrounds for everyone


Nice useful surprises


Eco-friendly neighbourhood


Creating closer relationships in the neighbourhood


And finally the prizes!