27th November: MTA Nyelvtudományi Munkabizottsága 2024
26-28 January: 16th Biennial HUSSE Conference, University of Miskolc, Hungary
29 August – 2 September: 14th ESSE Conference at Masaryk University, Brno, the Czech Republic.
January 26-28: 13th Biennial HUSSE Conference, Eszterházy Károly University,
„Konfliktus és együttműködés” Amerika-közi kapcsolatok a XX-XXI. században
A ME BTK Történettudományi Intézetének Amerikanisztika Kutatócsoportja és az MTA MAB Történettudományi és Néprajzi Szakbizottsága által szervezett konferencia meghívója itt található.
June 12-13: 2nd International Conference. “Cells: Remaking Tradition: Present-day Perspectives on Language, Literature and Culture” at the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia. Deadline: 20 April
June 18-19: 20th International Colloquium of American Studies–“Assimilation in America: A Good or A Bad Word?”–at the Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. Deadline: 30 April
June 18-19: FORLANG 2015–7th International Conference on Foreign Languages in an Academic Environment in Kosice, Slovakia. Deadline: 30 April.
Sept. 3-4: “From Theory to Practice” at Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Czech Republic. Deadline: 30 May
Oct. 9: 25th international IATEFL-Hungary conference to be held at ELTE in Budapest. Deadline: 1 July
Oct. 22-23: 3rd Linguistics Beyond And Within – International Linguistics Conference in Lublin, Poland. Deadline: 30 June
Nov. 6-7: Constructions of Identity VIII: Discourses in the English Speaking World to be held at Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. Deadline: 1 October
Nov. 26-28: The 3rd ASSE International Conference on British and American Studies: “In the beginning was the word … and then … technology” to be held in Skopje, Albania. Deadline: 15 July